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  • Writer's pictureAnnien Botha

How do I Get Dressed in the Morning?

Because of a motorcar accident ten years or so ago, I am still left with some physical struggles and challenges.

It takes me much quicker to select everyday clothes to wear, than to actually put them on. Literally within minutes!

How am I able to select clothes so quickly?

First thing I ask myself: what COLOUR do I feel like wearing today?

When I’ve clarified this, it’s easy to just look at my colour-coded cupboard and draw out the particular colour I’m in the mood for the day.

I dress by colour.

Colours have different meanings to us. When we face difficult situations at work, we power dress, using strong colour to influence us even if subconsciously. If we want to feel more carefree or younger of spirit, we choose lighter, pastel shades that can strip away the years.

But more, there’s some that believe we have "chakras" – the energy centres of the body - which present different colours.

The chakras contain certain amounts of life-giving energy, and if energy is lacking in any of these chakras, we will tend to want to wear that specific colour during a specific time. (Ever attended a work function and noticed that everyone is wearing red??).

All of the chakras (energies) must be balanced and operational for health, physical and emotional well-being. So it is possible to re-balance and/or stimulate these energies by using the appropriate colour.

For example: pink represents LOOKING FOR LOVE. So if you feel like wearing PINK for the day, you are probably in need of some TLC!

So you wear pink..and you attract all these lovely people to you, and receive LOVE, compassion, sympathy, acceptance, joy, warmth, and even pure romance!

Maybe you feel like wearing RED. How’s your sex life? Are you in need of passion, attention, energy, or some POWER over something? Red presents these things…

Do you have an important meeting today and have enormous decisions to make? I promise you, try wearing a yellow tie! Yellow affects the logical part of the brain, stimulating mentality and perception, inspiring thought and curiosity, and boosts enthusiasm and confidence.

Or if you just CAN’T communicate with your staff member or hubbie, go for BLUE. It makes you appear non-confrontational, honest, reliable, responsible, and supportive.

Stay away from yellow if you feel particularly NERVOUS. Rather go for GREEN (also if you need healing – green is called “The Healer!”)

If you really need to appear innocent the day, just clothe yourself in white.

White is the color of purity and innocence. It also makes OTHER feel good!

If you have a particular need to appear sophisticated, sexy, or powerful, just go for all black.

And greatest tip of all: If you just cannot get over your DEPRESSION, or don’t see the sun often enough, put a bunch of ORANGE (or amber) flowers in your bedroom, which wakes you up every day. Orange contains most of the sun’s colours in, so it really helps for depression!

So, there you have it. Call me superstitious, but this really is called Colour Therapy. And I’ve studied it, so am an expert 😊

Colour therapy is not new. The interest in colour dates back thousands of years – as far back as the ancient cultures of Egypt, India and China. It is a complementary therapy which uses colour to promote health and well-being and while it is used as a standalone therapy, it is also a perfect therapy to aid orthodox treatments and to boost the healing process.

I’m sure many of you can relate. I know I can. Albert Einstein reportedly bought several variations of the same grey suit so that he wouldn’t have to waste time deciding what to wear each morning.

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