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  • Writer's pictureAnnien Botha

Reasons why thrifting is addictive

It feels like a treasure hunt

When you go to a thrift store, you never know what you’re going to find.

Unlike traditional retail stores, thrift stores receive new clothes on a daily basis, which makes it the perfect place for finding unique and one-of-a-kind pieces.

Due to this, it feels like you’re on a treasure hunt and that feeling of suspense can make the search more exciting as you’re flipping through the racks.

Not every trip to the thrift store is a success. You’ll find a few interesting things each time, but what keeps you coming back is the chance to find that big thrift treasure.

Thrift shopping is like a sport and each visit, you’re playing a game. You win some and you lose some, but you always feel like you are one visit away from “bringing home the gold”. It is highly addictive.

It boost your mood

Going to the thrift store becomes a habit to pass the time when you’re bored.

As you’re browsing through endless clothes, it feels glorious to find stuff that you didn’t know you need.

And the truth is, you don’t want these good feelings to end. So you shop daily because it is a low-effort way to boost your mood.

It feels good to score a deal

You get such a rush when you find a valuable or rare item for “cheap”.

You are afraid that you will never get a chance to buy the item for the “low” price

so you convince yourself to buy the item (because it is such a good deal). If you don’t buy it right now, someone else will get it, and it would be gone forever.

You get so excited when you find a good deal that it seems like a no-brainer to put it in your shopping cart.

Then comes the bragging rights and the feeling you get when someone asks, “Where did you get that?” You reply, “Oh, it’s vintage and it only costed R50”.

It feels like you are doing something good for yourself and the environment

You may have bought a lot of fast fashion. But after watching The True Cost and learning about the dark side of the fashion industry, this encouraged you to start second-hand shopping instead of buying new clothes.

It makes you feel richer than you are

Being able to find brand names and designer goods at thrift stores for less than their retail price makes you feel like you are winning.

Instead of spending R500 on ONE dress at a regular retail store, you’re able to go home with several vintage items from the thrift shop for less.

You feel richer than you are because you can create trendy outfits on a thrift store budget. Even if you only wear the item once or twice, you justify the purchase because it was only R100.


You spend hours browsing through shopping apps or flicking through the hangers at your local thrift store. If you aren’t shopping, it feels like you are missing out.

This is because you know every single item is in limited quantity. If you don’t buy it today, you won’t be able to get it tomorrow.

This perpetuates the sense of urgency to shop regularly so you won’t miss that thrift store “treasure”.


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