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  • Writer's pictureAnnien Botha

Vintage and Contemporary Fashion: Which is More Fashionable?

At Thrift Town in Durbanville, we stock Contemporary as well as Vintage clothing.

Each has its own unique style, and both are popular in their own right. But which one is more fashionable?

The biggest difference between vintage and contemporary fashion is their style.

Vintage Fashion

Vintage fashion refers to clothing and accessories that were popular within a specific era and culture and that is between the 1920s and 1980s. For example, 1950s fashion was influenced by the post-war economy and the rise of Hollywood culture. 1960s fashion was influenced by the counterculture movement and the rise of youth culture.

Vintage fashion is also known for its timeless style that never goes out of fashion. These are items that have stood the test of time and are still relevant today. Vintage fashion is characterized by clean lines and simple silhouettes, that is classic and elegant.

Vintage fashion is known for its high quality. Clothes and accessories from past decades were made to last, with high-quality materials and intricate details.

Vintage fashion can be difficult to find and can be expensive. Vintage shops and online retailers may have a limited selection and the clothes may not be in the best condition.

Vintage fashion may not fit the body type of modern consumers. It may not always be practical for everyday wear. The clothing and accessories may be delicate, and they may not be appropriate for certain settings.

Vintage fashion is sustainable and ethical. It is highly regarded for its ethical production practices. Buying and wearing vintage clothing is a way to reduce waste.

Contemporary fashion

Contemporary fashion, by contrast, refers to modern fashion trends that are currently popular. These trends change frequently and are often heavily influenced by popular culture, social media, and the internet. The rise of influencers and fashion bloggers has had a significant impact on how fashion is perceived and consumed.

Contemporary fashion is edgier and trendier. It emphasizes individuality and is known for its experimental nature, which allows designers to push boundaries and create new designs in bold patterns and bright colors, that are unique and daring.

On the other hand, contemporary fashion can be hit or miss when it comes to quality. Some brands prioritize quality while others prioritize affordability and trendiness.

Contemporary fashion is widely accessible. It can be found in stores and online, and there is a wide range of sizes and styles available. Contemporary fashion is also usually more affordable than vintage fashion.

Contemporary fashion is designed for versatility and practicality. It can be worn in a wide range of settings and is often designed with comfort and functionality in mind.

Contemporary fashion is often criticized for its lack of ethical production practices. Fast fashion brands, in particular, are known for their unethical labor practices, environmental damage, and perpetuation of unsustainable consumer culture.


So, which is more fashionable: vintage or contemporary fashion? The answer to that question is subjective and dependent on individual preferences. Both vintage and contemporary fashion have their strengths and weaknesses, and both offer unique and stylish options. Ultimately, the choice between vintage and contemporary fashion comes down to personal style, budget, and values.

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